
        Official Essay

In the novel “Animal Farm” by Goerge Orwell, The point that George Orwell is making is that Napoleon is selfish and a ruthless leader. The animals work endlessly and its unfairness that the animals get bare minimum for living, they get less living resources and less luxury as the pigs would get because of his selfishness. This is a memorable moment because Napoleon acts as Joseph Stalin, who was a Georgian revolutionary and Soviet politician who led the soviet union mid-1920s to the late 1950s, who was also a ruthless leader.

Such as when Napoleon gets worse and worse throughout the story, he gives the animals less food, less water, and he doesn’t give them enough hay for them to change regularly. When Napoleon gets rid of their food, water, and hay, instead of them getting the food and hay, he sells it for whiskey. Because of being so selfish, others can be really damaged by the effects that the selfish person can give. Such as Napoleon, he gets the animals to do the work on the farm, they get nothing back from it, but Napoleon gets whatever he desires from it, he gets all the food, milk, eggs, whiskey, apples, a luxury life, tv, a bed, etc. Napoleon said,  “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.” which is saying that the pigs are more superior than the other animals, which in relation to real life means that he is saying that politicians are more important than other people, but the normal person could do something great for the world, could even create the cure for cancer.

When Napoleon got rid of snowball, he stole the idea of the windmill off of snowball, he started getting ruthless, each day after they worked, when they got their food, it got slimmer and slimmer. With their hay, a 2-day change got longer and longer, until they did not change their hay at all. By this time, the farm animals had nothing to lose apart from each other, if they lost one another they would all fall down. If the animals had barely any food and water it means that they wouldn’t have the energy for the next day, and saying that after each day, there would be less and less food for them, after a week they would be exhausted and they would not have any energy to do anything else and they would not have changed their hay because they didn’t have the hay too, Napoleon sold it all for whiskey. Napoleon loses power from his own sake, the farm animals did take it off him, he took it off himself, from his own greed, and his own good.

Selfishness isn’t the way in life, it would be that if they were kind, helpful, giving and respectful that they would get further in life, but Napoleon isn’t that, he is selfish, ruthless, ignorant, and brutal. If any leader were like this, nobody should vote for them, even if they take power for themselves, the community should out rule them for their choice of their leader.

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Hi Ikey,

Make sure you clearly state what the idea you are discussing is. it isn’t until the end of your essay that you specifically state the idea of selfishness. Do this earlier and it will enhance your paragraphs throughout your essay by providing context.

Avoid retelling the plot of the novel. You need to be detailing what Orwell did to make it memorable. This means saying writing techniques or significant meanings in the novel.

Remember to follow the SEXY structure. Statement at the beginning saying what the paragraph is about. Explain what your statement means. Provide an eXample that relates to your explanation. Discuss Your opinion talking about the author’s purpose, connections to outside the novel and link back to your statement.

Don’t forget the novel is a retelling of something that really happened. You make a connection to Stalin in your introduction but then do not address it again.

Keep it up Ikey!

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