Show not tell

tell: The room was a mess.

Show: The clothes spread everywhere stinking out the room. objects with no use piled up on the unorganised desk meant for work but had no space to do so. blinds and windows closed trapped the stench of a teenage boy, needing to be opened but couldn’t get to the windows. Gasping for air as I walk towards the windows, loss of oxygen as I go through the room of mass destruction.

tell: the food was good

Show: As my tastebuds scream with glory my mouth relaxes and the crispy sensation of the deep-fried sushi covers all 10,000 tastebuds.

tell: the teacher was mad

show: Wide open eyes with frowning eyebrows as the teacher is screaming at me with forceful words. I am sitting there praying it ends soon. If I open my mouth more words with intent to act on my choice of words will come at me like a truck going 100mph straight at me. I say sorry and a screech of passion scratches towards me demanding I go to the principal’s office.

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